Acceptance & Commitment
What is Acceptance & Commitment Therapy All About?
Recovering from substance abuse can be challenging, but it can be done. Once you admit that there is a problem, you have made a dramatic leap forward in recovery. That initial admission shows acceptance of reality. From that point forward, you will gradually develop a commitment to living a clean and sober lifestyle.
To help ensure success in recovery, treatment methods often include what is referred to as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Acceptance and commitment are two keys to recovery and they fit perfectly together. Here is why this therapy idea can prove successful and help you on your journey in recovery.
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What To Expect From ACT Therapy
As part of addiction recovery, the theory of ACT is that it helps addicts and alcoholics recognize the unpleasant emotions, feelings that compel them to abuse substances.
The acceptance aspect of the therapy is designed to alter the destructive self-talk that robs the alcoholic and addict of hope. Without hope for something better, you invariably relegate yourself in a constant cycle of substance abuse.
One of the keys to recovery from addiction involves action. This therapy model asks you to make a commitment to take action. You have the freedom to accept your situation openly, but you then have an obligation to yourself to make a commitment to change.
This aspect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy begins to establish a foundation for your recovery. The idea that you accept yourself as not being a bad person, but a person who suffers from sickness is critical.
You can now build on this important idea that you’re ultimately good with a purpose in mind. It is only after you accept something to be amiss in your life that you can develop the strength to meet the challenge.
This is why these two components are collectively vital as a method for helping in addiction recovery. Acceptance opens up the desire for change, and the commitment phase is your pledge to yourself to work towards these positive changes.
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can dramatically help individuals who suffer from depression or anxiety. Since these are two common characteristics of substance abuse, it is a vital tool in recovery.
If you think you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, there is a fair likelihood that you do. The consequences of an untreated addiction can devastate your life. Make a commitment to yourself and call to speak with a caring member of staff. Call today because tomorrow may be too late.
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