Rational Emotive Therapy
What is Rational Emotive Therapy
When it comes to drug or alcohol addiction, some people may argue that overcoming the physical dependence is the hardest part of achieving sobriety; however, this does not mean that the psychological dependence should be overlooked. To that point, it is not uncommon for drug treatment facilities to recommend some form of counseling after a patient has gone through a detox program. Some of the more common counseling therapies used to help patients achieve long-term recovery include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), contingency management therapy, motivational interviewing, and maintenance therapy.
While all of these counseling methods can be effective, they may not work for all patients as counseling needs can vary from person to person. However, there is one approach to counseling therapy that is proving to be effective across a broad spectrum of patients, rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). This form of therapy is designed to teach patients who have already overcome the physical aspect of addiction how to align their thoughts with healthier behaviors, which, in turn, can help prevent relapse. Furthermore, REBT helps patients rebuild their self-esteem and self-confidence. In this article, we will take a closer look at how REBT-based therapy works and why it is quickly becoming a go-to for many drug treatment facilities.
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What to Expect from a REBT Program
Similar to CBT, contingency management therapy, motivational interviewing, and other forms of counseling, REBT-based therapy addresses the psychological component of addiction. This unique therapeutic approach provides patients with the tools they need to lead a truly fulfilled and substance-free life after they have completed all aspects of their recovery program.
Because many factors can influence one’s decision to start using drugs or alcohol, counselors will often tailor Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy sessions to the specific needs of the patient. For example, if a patient exhibits behavior that appears to be indicative of a relapse, the counselor may place a stronger emphasis on helping the patient to change how they feel about their substance of choice.
According to the National Institute of Health, any number of risk factors can influence someone’s decision to begin using substances including their childhood. Counselors who are well-versed in REBT-based therapy can help patients identify these risk factors and also help them to understand how they may have contributed to their addiction. Also, they may suggest family counseling sessions so that family members can play an active role in the patient’s long-term recovery. In short, there is no such thing as a one size fits all approach when it comes to REBT-based counseling.
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The decision to lead a drug or alcohol-free life first has to start with changing your mindset; although REBT-based therapy is effective, patients will have to make a conscious decision to change their lives for the better. It is also important that patients recognize that many things can affect the outcome of their therapy sessions including their level of commitment and support from friends and family, for example.
In summation, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy picks up where detox and other treatment leave off in that they help patients charter a path towards a life that doesn’t include drugs or alcohol, which, coincidentally, can be much more fulfilling. Also, because REBT-based therapy is considered a multidisciplinary approach, the lesson learned in therapy will positively affect everything from their home life, self-esteem, and their relationship with friends and family.
Like any other form of counseling, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy may be covered under your health insurance when coupled with a comprehensive drug treatment program. That said, if you’re ready to make a positive and lasting change in your life, contact us in your area to discuss how REBT-based therapy can help you overcome your addiction to drugs or alcohol.